A call to action

Have you seen this?

While traveling we frequently encountered seemingly hard working areas that had both a need for affordable housing at all price points and at the same time a glut of vacant houses in disrepair that dragged down community property values. How can that be in the greatest country in the world? Shouldn't somebody be doing something about this? 

Unfortunately it wasn't until this situation struck close to us that we thought to treat this as another very difficult consulting challenge, remembering it is more important to seek solutions than to look for someone to blame. 

Clearly the government can not solve this on their own

Local governments depend on a steady influx of property taxes to not only pay for the obvious essential services like police and fire, but also all the things that make living in that area worthwhile, like first class schools, libraries and community centers. 

It wasn't long ago that there was an article in a local newspaper which detailed how one government agency had foreclosed and sold at auction the same property three times, each time at a loss. Did that help the housing situation? Did that help government grow the tax base? Did that help home "values" in that area? 

Strong communities are built by strong neighborhoods

In far too many places through bad luck, natural disasters or greed, once thriving communities now struggle to survive.  We believe working together we can help turn that around. 

Everyone deserves a clean, safe, affordable place to live

We'll let others decide if home ownership is actually the embodiment of the American Dream, but no one should have to try and raise a family in substandard conditions. One of our favorite charities chose as this year's motto "Making Homes Out Of Houses". 

"Good Deeds Give Strength To Ourselves And Inspire Good Deeds In Others"

While we believe Making A Difference is more important than simply making money, we recognize that we are not a government agency that can operate indefinitely at a loss. We will invest in this just like a startup and then it will be expected to be a self-sustaining enterprise re-investing proceeds into other areas and projects. 

the PublicWorks 2.0 (simplified) plan

Finding the "right" properties

Opportunity exists in every market across the country, though not every property will qualify. By investing private funds into specific areas,  we maximize our effectiveness by being able to select those properties that would not easily qualify for traditional financing in an underserved market.

Increase the Value

We choose to work only with licensed, bonded professionals who understand their value, believe in what they are doing and invest themselves willingly into their work. Knowledgeable local realtors, contractors, inspectors and attorneys are the key to these successful teams. 

Happy homeowner moves in

Another beautifully appointed, renovated home is sold in record time. Not only does another family have a clean, safe, affordable place to live but sliding property values have been stabilized and in many cases, improved. We believe visible progress will continue to be the catalyst for other improvements and investments into the neighborhood.